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Big (enough) dreams?

Big (enough) dreams?

You know your dreams are big enough when you're so jacked up you wouldn’t want to go to bed and can't wait to get up in the morning. Truth is, we humans really are a bit weird. We move fast, furious and aggressively to get away from things we don't like, especially if...

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Is this why America is awesome?

Is this why America is awesome?

It seems that encouraging creativity, and prosperity so that gov. can collect more taxes and provide us all with a safe place to grow and create is how America rose to it's global level of cool. But it seems there's been just a smidge of change... seems some of that...

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Apple Thinking

Apple Thinking

Industrial age thinking will keep you in chains. Apple thinking will set you free.   1 Apple doesn’t behave like everyone else. 2 They think.. bigger, and that lights up their creativity! 3 They keep reaching for what’s next Some might say, "Apple got Rewired."...

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Why you want to be strong

Why you want to be strong

Your life may depend on it. The lives of others may depend on it. You’re more confident. You’re more alert. You’re more attractive. You get taken advantage of less. You’re more independent. What if we taught our kids to be independent, confident and strong - every one...

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Edgy and slightly insane recruiting

Edgy and slightly insane recruiting

Seems some businesses have a wicked little problem, finding the right people - we do too! But, we may be on the way to solving that..and at the same time creating a better way for all people to find the right job for themselves.  See how - watch the 4:18 minute video....

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The biggest adventure

The biggest adventure

You can travel the world over chasing adventure, but there's nothing as big as this one. [vimeo][/vimeo]   "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."                      -Helen Keller

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How do you know what to do with your life?

How do you know what to do with your life?

Talk about ironic... Though brief and off hand, these text comments say what I think so many of us feel. The situation was simple, I was briefly texting with two guys about completely separate topics.  The way they ended up crashing together was fascinating!  Both...

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Expanding your market: Turning a cold market warm

Expanding your market: Turning a cold market warm

If you want to expand your reach, your market, your business.. then pick up the phone and talk with people.  The problem is that the old fashioned strategy we've been given doesn't work so well anymore.  If you want cold calling to work, then you need to retool.  This...

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