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That night I did one thing, I vowed to change the way I worked

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Stuck in a blizzard on a frozen icy highway with thousands of others creeping along at a snail’s pace, I thought I’d never get home.  Coming home from a meeting across town, running low on gas, darkness seting in, I was getting worried.  That’s when I saw the exit.  I wasnt sure where it would lead, but I knew here on the highway with everyone sliding around wasnt where I wanted to be.  I got off the highway.  In less time than expected I was pulling into our driveway, snow lightly falling, bright lights and smiling faces in the windows welcomed me home. 

That night I did one thing, I vowed to change the way I worked

That night I decided I had better things in life to do than spend time creeping along at a snail’s pace. That day sitting in traffic was also the day I knew I had to go about work differently.  I wasn’t going to spend my life in line any more. I didn’t know how, but I knew why; I have a better life to live. They said, “This is how it works.” I found it wasn’t.

That day I realized.. Too many things going on, I can’t control everything, but I do have the power to shape and to build a business funded my best life. That day I stripped everything off my calendar, rejected everthing and built business like I wanted.  Everything changed.  Here’s how I started.

– And gave me the time to pursue

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