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We put our money where our mouth is – We use REWIRE in our own business’s too


First Financial USA

Repositioned and grew 125%


We took credit card processing, repositioned it in the market and added value the competition doesn’t even understand. Sales increased 125% year one, difficulty selling was cut by 80% and profit increased 3000% over a decade. We became known as the go-to guys.


CRM that saves time


Everyone knows, if you want to go fast, you need CRM. The problem is they’re too difficult to figure out. Most of us just pull the plug on what we thought would be really cool. We built CONNECT to do what you wish the others did.

In the News

First Financial USA Wins Best Place to Work 8 Years in a Row!

Check it out here!


The answers we found may be the answer you’ve been looking for too

A very wise man told me, “When you finally find the answers you have been looking for , its your moral obligation to share these answers with other who have the same questions.” Becouse I wish someone had shared their answers with me, he had me. Now i share my (our team’s) answers with you.

All my personal best,


Take 98% of all our classes for FREE

We take a different approach from most “experts” out there; we give away 98% of our material for free, and aim to make that free material better than anyone else’s paid stuff.

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