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Resumes that light up our eyes

Resumes that light up our eyes

What do employers really like to see on resumes?  The answer may surprise you.  Watch this video, it may cause you to make a few resume tweaks of your own. P.S. Forward this to everyone looking for a job, especially college kids....
Resumes that light up our eyes

My $177,512.87 Outsourcing Mistake

Outsourcing.. it’s all the buzz today. If you want the best, you may not going find employees that are that top-notch in the variety of projects you need done in your business.  But like everything there are tricks to making it work.  Here’s what you need to...
Resumes that light up our eyes

Look inside anyone with this ap

Ever wondered why people operate a certain way or wondered how they’ll operate in the future? What about that girl or guy you’re dating, your son or daughter, your spouse or a potential employee..? Here’s a handy way to find out a lot fast – and it’s FREE....