When a consultant offered me the secret formula to hit #1 on Amazon – in just one day at first it was like, “Coooool…” Skipping all the real work and zipping to the top? Count me in! But when I decided to not do it, it was a real surprise – to everyone involved. It’s not because I don’t want to be #1, I do! But there’s a much bigger win I’m testing that may mean longer life.. and maybe, just maybe 1,000X the impact…
[vimeo]https://vimeo.com/102986977[/vimeo]To see the secret formula
So you have it, here are the instructions I was given to hack to #1 at Amazon:Launch the Amazon campaign Wednesday of the launch week.
Amazon Current Best Seller Algorithm
Please note, this is not an exact science as if it was, every single author would be doing it. The best I can tell from all of the research I have done, consulting the instructor that teaches this concept in the first place and speaking with a few authors that have done it, this is what we know.
To trip the system and be chosen as a current Amazon[dot]com best seller
(*Bestseller is defined by placing in the top 100 books of that day.)
You must have 300 books purchased within one 24-hour period.
If you do want to move forward, we need to secure 30 of your contacts, employees would work best, as they are in one location and you can maintain control of the purchases.
At 9:00 am est., you need to start the purchases, with all 30 being complete by noon. This needs to be done on 30 separate credit cards and on 30 different IP addressed. I would also recommend having 5 extra people (so 35 total) to account for declines, failed attempts and other issues that may prevent someone making a purchase.
This all needs to be tracked on an EXCEL spreadsheet and every single purchase needs to be tracked to make sure that is verified and went through.
There needs to be one person Onsite that is physically responsible for this as you literally get one chance and it is an expensive situation so you want to get it right.
Please let me know if you would like to go this route and I will provide you copy for your employees to sign up to participate as well as tracking sheets.
Here are three blog posts that cite the information on the Amazon processes:
Note: I chose to leave these out since one is trying to sell a newsletter and the other is the same old cheesy crap you see in your email box every day and I just don’t feel right about linking, forwarding nor recommending.
If you are interested in New York Times Bestseller Placement, I can introduce you to an agent that can do this. Generally the cost is approx.. $35,000-$40,000 plus the costs of the books…bla bla bla.. bla.